Thursday, March 4, 2010

Where are you Spring???

Kevin and I are ready for Spring to be here! We can't wait for long walks and bike rides in the evenings at sunset, sprintime picnics in the parks, and of course roadtrips! But before I get too excited about it, let me tell you how our day went today... I don't think Spring is around our corner anytime soon. Our morning started off great!!! We woke up and got ready for the day and were off to run some errands before school and work. It was a beautiful day... It was 60 degrees outside and the sun was shinning. We never thought we would need a jacket or a coat. A couple hours later it started getting very cold and windy. And then the rain came and then of course the snow... It snowed for about 3 hours straight, and then finailly let up a little bit. Only in Utah can it snow when its 60 degrees outside! haha! Kevin and I hate the snow and have both agreed that it's the only thing bad about living in Utah. We probably should of worn a coat or jacket today...We can't wait for Spring to get here!!!

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