Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Urgent Care...

This past week has not been fun for me... Last Sunday I woke up with a 103 fever and had the worst cough in the world! Yup, that's right everyone... I caught the flu bug again!!!! I cried like a little baby all day and was hoping this was only going to be a 24 hour flu bug, like the last one. I don't think I was one of the lucky ones... I went to sleep that night and woke up every hour with the horrible night sweats and a cough that would not leave me alone. The next day I felt a little better, but not good enough to go to work. I called in sick and pretty much slept all day long. That whole day Kevin ran around trying to get whatever would make me feel better. He hates when I'm sick and hates to know I'm in pain. I wont lie, I seriously needed something every 5 minutes. Kevin literally never sat down for more than 5 minutes. I felt bad, but he knows I would of done the same things for him if he was sick. 
The second day went by still feeling the same. My fever was staying at a constant 102 was not going down. I must have taken 5 different showers that day trying to breath in all the hot steam I could. But no matter what I tried, nothing was working. 42 hours with this fever and the flu bug in my body was miserable. That night I started feeling a little better and I got my temperature down to 99.6 which was a lot better then 102 for 2 days straight! That night I went to sleep and slept for a little while longer then the first night but still woke up around 3 o'clock not feeling that good. We took my temperature again and it had gone back up to 102!!!!! I was not happy... This was the third day with this bug and for some reason it wouldn't leave my body! 72 hours went by and Kevin started to worry about me a little bit and had decided to take me to the urgent care by our house. We got the doctors and signed me in. Then waited for them to call me back, which ended up being about a half an hour. The doctor checked me out and ran a couple of different test on me. After waiting about an hour.... All they could tell me was, it is a viral thing and I just had to wait and let it pass. But they couldn't give me an antibiotic to help because it had already been over 72 hours, the antibiotic wouldn't help me at all... I was so mad! They doctor did nothing!!!! All she gave me was a prescription for some cough medicine. I seriously thought there was no hope for me... I told Kevin I was never going back to that urgent care... They were no help! 
Last night I took some cough medicine and took some more Tylenol and went to bed. This morning I woke up and am feeling 100% better!!! I was so happy this bug was gone! Finally I can sleep like a normal person again! Haha!

1 comment:

Rosie said...

Im sorry Aslyn that sounds absolutely awful! Hope you are feeling much better!