Saturday, July 24, 2010


So I know I have been slacking the last few weeks with this blog. But Kevin and I have been super busy lately... Kevin has 2 weeks left of his summer term in school and has been loaded every week with homework and papers. He just had midterms last week and did very well. I really don't have a good reason except for working full time and being 4 1/2 months pregnant. I have been really lazy lately and have been sleeping a total of 12 hours a day! I sleep for about 9-10 hours a night and then by the time I wake up and run a couple errands and clean the house, I'm tired again by lunch time and have to take a nap before I go to work! Sometimes my body feels like I have had the flu (with the body aches, sleeping a lot) but really I'm just sleepy all the time and don't ever feel like doing anything.
The pregnancy is going well. At my last doctors appt. my doctor seemed to be a little worried with my weight. I have lost a total of 20 pounds in the last 3 months and can't seem to gain any weight. He wasn't so worried when I was in my first trimester and having the morning sickness, he said it was kind of normal to loose some weight in the first few months. But now that I’m over the morning sickness and can actually eat a full meal again, he seemed to be worried with the reason why I'm not gaining more weight. So he has me coming into the hospital every 2 weeks to weigh in!!! I'm hoping the baby is healthy and is doing well. (My doctor didn't seem to worry much about the baby.) He said it's still pretty small and is taking whatever it needs from me. But the GOOD NEWS is that we have another doctor’s appt. on August 13th! And this appt. is the one at the actual hospital where we will have the big ultrasound machine that will be able to take still pictures of the baby and get the measurements of the baby as well. We also get to find out the gender of the baby!!!! August 13th will be such an exciting day that we will never forget!!!

P.S. I haven't forgotten to post the pictures of our family reunion's from the past few weeks, but I have to wait till I have time to upload about 50 pictures! haha! They should be up shortly!!!

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